Friday, April 21, 2006


Hi Everyone~
I was writing because a thought came back in my mind this morning and I thought I would share it with you all...I was wondering if you would be interested in planning a mega-international reunion. (As in a lot of people!) It would have to be planned pretty far in advance so that as many people could come as possible but I think we could totally do it!
I don't know what you guys think as far as if this is something you all want to me know! I just think it would be so much fun to see you all again.
So if this is something we want to do we would need to decide when and write down some thoughts and feedback if you are interested!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Here Is Some News For All Of You From The Morocco Team!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Baba emailed this photo with his update so I thought you all would enjoy seeing looks like not much has changed!

~I will have to update you all more on the goings on in Colorado later but for now I will just tell you I am good but covered in lots and lots of snow!
My blessings to you all,

P.S. Welcome Back to Amsterdam Anne!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I'm learning to play the piano

okay, I'm not really learning to play the piano (but Anne is), it's just a big joke around here that I need to learn to play now that I am a pastor's wife. Phil, Corban, and I are home again after an awesome time in Amsterdam. We were so happy to see the Dutchies and Will, and then doubley blessed when Anne showed up for a visit. We did some volunteering at the Cleft and at the Tabernacle. Will and I had fun feeding the birds on Thursdays at the Open afternoons (it got a little Alfred Hitchcockish). Now that we are home, Phil has started his job at our church and said to me the other day for the first time in our marriage: "I can't wait to go to work tomorrow." Praise God! I am doing really good, too. Besides loving being a mom, I have been feeling like a new season of spiritual renewal is opening up for me. I feel like the Lord is giving me joy in my salvation again and softening my heart towards Him more and more.
Well, I have tried publishing this twice now. I hope this time will work. I'd really like to post a picture, but I don't know how.
Love you guys,